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Work Tracker Attendance Calendar Cards- 8 X 11 Cardstock / Pack of 25 Sheets Green - 2024

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Work Tracker Attendance Calendar Cards- 8 X 11 Cardstock / Pack of 25 Sheets Green - 2024
Product Description

Employers need to keep track of their employee s attendance which will result in business productivity and consistency. When purchasing the attendance cards you can get a firm grip on all employees statuses such as their frequent absenteeism who is now on call or on-site etc. When you re well acquainted with all that information you can avoid unnecessary disappointments about confusion with employee tracking and the like. One attendance note filed daily will disappear the future burden and headache!Details:Sheet Size - 8.5 x11Qty - 25 FormsColor - White CoverStockGreen Ink3 WholePunchesExtra lines in the back125#Tag FilingFlexibilityThe cards are meticulously designed withthree-hole punches at the side so they can fit in your folder easily. It will typically be ideal to file in any of the standard three-ring binders.Front FormatIn these attendance calendar cards the basic important information is neatly categorized on the front and back of the card. Keep track of all your employees attendance by stating their status while indicating which department they are from what their positions are and the date they were hired. Having all that necessary data will make you realize when one s attendance is out of the ordinary and perhaps may need immediate attention. On the right-hand corner of the card there is an organized list of codes commonly used for indication of the purpose of your employee s absence. Two-sided forms include Twelve Convenient Calendars on the front of the Card Stock.Back Basic NotesOn the flip side of the card there are three boxes that will eventually be of great benefit to you being that you can have essential notes documented. Firstly have a detailed overview as to which hoursyou excused your employee to be off from work and how many hours wereunexcused. Furthermore I need to have a clear understanding of my sick days and vacation days such as which were already used and how many are remaining. Lastly having a detailed breakdown of how many warnings your employee has already received both as a written note or verbally will emphasize when it s required to proceed with action. Ultimately to wrap it up when running a business you can alleviate the burden of obtaining these attendance calendar cards by closely monitoring all employees actions!Whenpurchasing Attendance Cards from Next Day Labels you should know that you aregetting something that is made in the USA by Next Day Labels. Something to bevery proud of!NEXT DAY LABELS ATTENDANCECARDSWith Our State-Of-The-Art Machinery Next Day LabelsProduces Only Top Quality Products!Despite our growth weare a company with an individualized touch. We use only the highest qualitypaper & ink on all our products for superior performance. Withstate-of-the-art print production facilities and superior color quality Next Day Labels has established itself with a product consistency and innovation tradition powered by operational excellence. Since our commencement over two decades ago we have become a nationally recognized brand.All of Our Items Are Made in the USA!

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March 3, 2025

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