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Frontiers in Political Communication: Weapons of Mass Persuasion: Strategic Communication to Combat Violent Extremism (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Frontiers in Political Communication: Weapons of Mass Persuasion: Strategic Communication to Combat Violent Extremism (Hardcover)
Product Description

Complementing and extending scholarship in three areas - terrorism; the media mediated representations and propaganda in contemporary culture; and the political and diplomatic environment post-9/11 - this book articulates the role of human communication in the war of ideas. Drawing on contemporary research from a variety of disciplines this book offers analyses and recommendations for people to make use of informed inspired and ethical communication to counter ideological support for terrorism and to promote more effective public diplomacy. This is the first book to apply human communication concepts and theories - and to offer potential solutions - to the communication problems encountered by nations communities and individuals and in doing so moves beyond critiques of failed U.S. communication campaigns and strategies in the war on terror.

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March 3, 2025

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