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Educators as Peace Makers: Transforming Education for Peace (PB) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Educators as Peace Makers: Transforming Education for Peace (PB) (Paperback)
Product Description

A volume in Peace Education Series Editors: Jing Lin University of Maryland Edward J. Brantmeier Colorado State University and Ian Harris University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Currently peace education remains marginalized in our education system however a united front can be formed and powerful paradigms can empower educators to play a critical role in peace building through scholarship practice and activism. Indeed educators around the world are developing effective strategies to transform education as a powerful force for global peace. The diverse array of contributors in the book demonstrate that educators as peace makers can be and have been instrumental in transforming social forces the self and others for the construction of global peace. The book aims to broaden the educational discourse in order to make room for new visions to educate future generations for peace. Local and global efforts to build a long-lasting peace are presented through the lens of education. The timeliness of peace education surely renders this book relevant to educators and the general public alike as individuals communities and organizations struggle to find pathways to peace in a global world. In other words this book will interest scholars and the general public concerned about the building of global peace. The book can be source book for educators at elementary secondary and postsecondary institutions to explore multiple ways to conduct effective peace education at all levels of education. The book may also be used as a textbook by instructors of multicultural education of comparative & international education and of undergraduate and graduate peace education courses

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March 3, 2025

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