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Vicks Speed-Read Thermometer with Fever InSight V912

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Product Name
Vicks Speed-Read Thermometer with Fever InSight V912
Product Description

The Vicks SpeedRead Thermometer provides accurate temperature measurements in only eight seconds. The unique Fever InSight feature uses color-coded displays to help you better understand the meaning of the reading. A green display suggests that there is no fever yellow signifies a slightly elevated temperature and red indicates a fever. This digital instant read thermometer can be used orally rectally or under the arm. It recalls and displays the last temperature taken so you know if a fever is going up or down. Use the easy-to-clean waterproof digital thermometer anywhere. It comes with batteries and includes an automatic shutoff feature to prolong battery life. Slip it into the storage case for quality readings on the go.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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