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Physical Biology: From Atoms to Medicine (Paperback)

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Physical Biology: From Atoms to Medicine (Paperback)
Product Description

This is an avant-garde book edited by Nobel Laureate Ahmed Zewail with contributions from eminent scientists including four Nobel prize winners. The perspectives of these world leaders in physics chemistry and biology define potential new frontiers at the interface of disciplines and including physical systems and synthetic biology.This book brings about the confluence of concepts and tools and that of different disciplines to address significant problems of our time: visualization; theory and computation for complexity; macromolecular function protein folding and misfolding; and systems integration from cells to consciousness. The scope of tools is wide-ranging spanning imaging crystallography microfluidics single-molecule spectroscopy and synthetic probe targeting. Concepts such as dynamic self-assembly molecular recognition non-canonical amino acids and others are covered in various chapters as they are cornerstones in building the trilogy description of behavior-structure dynamics and function.The volume is uniquely structured to provide overviews with historical perspectives on the evolution of ideas and on the future of physical biology and biological complexity from atoms to medicine.

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March 3, 2025

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