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Dress Body Culture: Goth Culture: Gender Sexuality and Style (Paperback)

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Product Name
Dress Body Culture: Goth Culture: Gender Sexuality and Style (Paperback)
Product Description

Goth Culture explores Goths expressive practices of dress fashion style and the body in relation to issues of identity and representation. The book shares vivid accounts of the author s experiences exploring gender and sexuality and doing fieldwork in the Gothic subculture. Through the voices of Goths from the UK US and Germany it draws the reader into the gender-bending and heavily gendered world of Goth. It reassesses the significance of the dress of both male and female Goths examining these striking and often highly creative subcultural fashion displays. Using a wide range of methods and sources from ethnography to critical examination of music literature social theory and different types of popular media Goth Culture offers an original and accessible analysis of the fashion media and counterculture of the Gothic world.

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March 3, 2025

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