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Prestone Platinum Extreme Protection Antifreeze & Coolant 15 Years or 350 000 Miles 1 gal Jug

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Product Name
Prestone Platinum Extreme Protection Antifreeze & Coolant 15 Years or 350 000 Miles 1 gal Jug
Product Description

Prestone Platinum Antifreeze and Coolant is the top choice for universal engine protection. This product is designed to work with all vehicles, regardless of make, model, year, or fluid color. With a remarkable lifespan of 15 years or 350,000 miles, it provides reliable protection for your vehicle throughout its life. This advanced coolant safeguards your engine against extreme temperatures, effectively preventing freezing in conditions as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit and overheating even at temperatures exceeding 268 degrees.

What sets Prestone Platinum apart from ordinary antifreeze is its enhanced protection against rust, corrosion, and the buildup of scale, which can damage your engine over time. While standard coolants focus on basic corrosion resistance, Prestone Platinum goes above and beyond by offering superior protection to keep your cooling system operating like new. Left unchecked, internal corrosion and buildup can lead to costly repairs and frequent trips to the mechanic. By using Prestone Platinum, you can help extend the life of your engine and avoid significant repair costs. This coolant is suitable for newer engine technologies and is backward compatible, making it a versatile choice for both new and older vehicles alike. Prestone Platinum Antifreeze and Coolant ensures year-round protection, giving you peace of mind on the road.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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