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Your Mother Wears Combat Boots: Humorous Harrowing and Heartwarming Stories of Military Women (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Your Mother Wears Combat Boots: Humorous Harrowing and Heartwarming Stories of Military Women (Hardcover)
Product Description

Your Mother Wears Combat Boots is a refreshing nonpartisan collection of stories honoring the service and accomplishments of women who have served in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. From combat tales to what happens when a woman s menstrual cycle coincides with a stint in the trenches all of the experiences included in this anthology give the reader a glimpse of the unique circumstances faced by mothers daughers sisters and wives in uniform. Your Mother Wears Combat Boots offers a fascinating look into the lives of women who make up today s Total Force while providing honest and insightful accounts of how they built on the experiences of the women before them and set the standards for those who will follow. Brigadier General Tom Brewer AUS (Ret) Your Mother Wears Combat Boots is a compilation of real stories written by real women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. These extraordinary women now share their remarkable experiences and their most private emotions while providing the reader a glimpse of the conditions that shaped them. They speak the common language of the soldier and the officer a language that anyone who has ever served or is currently serving will understand. This inspirational collection is a must have for all servicemen and women as a reminder that they are not alone and for the families and loved ones that support them. William Cannon Hunter Ph.D. Cultural Studies

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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