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Marcia Muller and the Female Private Eye: Essays on the Novels That Defined a Subgenre (Paperback)

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Product Name
Marcia Muller and the Female Private Eye: Essays on the Novels That Defined a Subgenre (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1977 Marcia Muller invaded the all-male domain of detective literature and within a decade was established as the mother of the female hardboiled private eye. She is now the author of four detective series including the critically acclaimed Sharon McCone series of more than two dozen novels. This collection critically assesses Marcia Muller s writing and reevaluates current critical views on women s detective fiction in general. In the first two of the book s three sections essays explore Muller s engagement with modern and postmodern feminism ethnicity and the socially underprivileged. The third section focuses on one of Muller s major themes the trauma of history. Drawing from the feminist historicist mythic psychoanalytic and cultural approaches found in all three sections the conclusion offers a panoramic perspective on Muller s accomplishments.

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March 3, 2025

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