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American Voyeur

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Product Name
American Voyeur
Product Description

BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS one of the most perceptive and interesting journalists writing today takes us into some unusual precincts of American society in American Voyeur. Denizet-Lewis made news with his New York Times Magazine cover story Double Lives on the Down Low included here which ignited a firestorm by revealing a subculture of African-American men who have sex with other men but who don t consider themselves gay. In American Voyeur he also takes us inside a summer camp for pro-life teenagers a New Hampshire town where two young brothers committed suicide a social group for lipstick lesbians a middle school where a girl secretly lives as a boy a college where fraternity boys face the daunting prospect of sobriety a state where legally married young gay men are turning out to be more like their parents than anyone might have suspected a high school where dating has been replaced by hooking up and other intersections of youth culture and sexuality. Peer behind the curtain of modern American life with this remarkable collection.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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