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Rediscovering Hurricanes : Everything You Wanted to Know about Hurricanes But Was Never Told (Paperback)

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Product Name
Rediscovering Hurricanes : Everything You Wanted to Know about Hurricanes But Was Never Told (Paperback)
Product Description

Rediscovering Hurricanes is a very entertaining and informative book on hurricanes. It is a book that offers a fascinating examination of Hurricanes and its impact on extensive areas of our planet. It also provides an introspective look at Hurricanes and how they have influenced regional and world history. For example were it not for several hurricanes Spanish would not be the official language of Cuba French would not be the official language of Guadeloupe. In addition Japan might have been part of China today were it not for a hurricane which destroyed the Mongol fleet poised to attack Japan. This book goes into great details and provides some very interesting and fascinating stories of the major hurricanes of the North Atlantic from 1495 to Present. It also includes several lists of notable Atlantic tropical cyclones and reasons for notability. It not only includes the major hurricanes but it also goes in-depth into some of the major historic hurricanes such as The Great Hurricane of 1780 Katrina Andrew Mitch Gilbert Lake Okeechobee Hurricane the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and many others. No book on hurricanes would be complete without two controversial topics Global Warming and El Niño. Most hurricane authors over the years have mainly concentrated on the negative aspects of hurricanes without explaining the benefits of hurricanes. Well this book devotes a complete chapter on the benefits of hurricanes and why they are important to the earth s dynamic and complex ecosystem. Finally this book also features information on unusual weather facts like the first flight into a hurricane was based on a bet and not a carefully planned flight or the first weather radar was discovered by accident during the Second World War. If you are curious about hurricanes you definitely need to buy this book-you won t be disappointed.

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Last updated
January 21, 2025

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