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Pre-Owned AP Art History with Online Tests (Paperback) 1438011032 9781438011035

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Product Name
Pre-Owned AP Art History with Online Tests (Paperback) 1438011032 9781438011035
Product Description

This pre-owned edition of Barron's AP Art History provides a thorough and updated review guide designed for Advanced Placement students. This resource covers essential topics related to the redesigned Art History course, ensuring students are well-prepared for the new exam structure and scoring criteria. It includes a diagnostic test, two full-length model tests with detailed answers and explanations, and a comprehensive review of major artists and art movements. It also contains additional chapters on art beyond the European tradition, multiple-choice questions, and practice essays for each chapter.

Students can expect to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to aim for a score of 5 on the AP Art History exam. As a bonus, this package offers free access to two additional full-length online practice tests, complete with answered and explained questions, along with flash cards featuring all 300 art works. This online content is convenient and accessible via computer, tablet, or smartphone, making it easy for students to study and prepare effectively.

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March 3, 2025

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