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My Manservant and Me (Paperback)

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Product Name
My Manservant and Me (Paperback)
Product Description

A madcap tale of sadistic power-play by one of the 20th century s most beloved French gay writers. My Manservant and Me is a story about the trials and tribulations of having a live-in valet. Written from the uneasy perspective of an aging incontinent author of extremely successful middlebrow plays we learn about his manservant a young film actor who is easily moved to both delicate gestures and terrible tantrums; who s been authorized to handle his master s finances who orders stock buys dictates his master s wardrobe sleeps in his master s bed and yet won t let him watch variety television. My Manservant and Me reveals the rude specificities of this relationship with provocative humor and stylistic abjection. This manservant won t be going anywhere.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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