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Leading Ladies: American Trailblazers (Paperback)

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Leading Ladies: American Trailblazers (Paperback)
Product Description

United States senator Kay Bailey Hutchison examines the lives of sixty-three pioneers in military service journalism public health social reform science and politics--all American women. Following in the footsteps of her national bestseller American Heroines Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison celebrates female accomplishment in all walks of life. From the Nobel Prize to the halls of Congress the trailblazers profiled in these skillfully drawn biographical portraits have battled tremendous odds to achieve success--if not always recognition--in their respective fields. Whether committed to a chosen cause or thrust into a public role by personal circumstance these courageous women have all woven the thin threads of opportunity into sweeping tapestries of achievement. Mixing historical portraits with modern success stories Senator Hutchison shows how American women from all periods of history have contributed to the strength and progress of our nation--and no history of the nation can be written without them.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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