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MotoTec X5 250cc 4-Stroke Gas Dirt Bike Black

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Product Name
MotoTec X5 250cc 4-Stroke Gas Dirt Bike Black
Product Description

The MotoTec X5 250cc 4-Stroke Dirt Bike - The latest generation of 250cc mini bike engines are faster torquier more reliable and even easier to set up and start than ever before. Electric start improved carburetor and all of the standard safety features support and reliability that MotoTec provides.Suitable for both wet and dry conditions. This bike will offer hours of fun in almost any outdoor environment. Built Solid this bike can handle any off-road riding. A Chromalloy frame with real outdoor rubber tires separate this bikes from similar products. Responsive acceleration front telescopic forks rear mono shock suspension disk brakes motocross styling and big bike attitude makes this the perfect choice. Simple to ride electric start and 5 speed manual shifting with clutch lever.All Mini Dirt Bikes are not the same. You should be aware of the build quality and parts quality is very important to how much maintenance is required. This Dirt Bike has been specified for quality and reliability improvements specified over standard Dirt Bikes include Higher Grade Wheel Bearings - Longer Wearing Tires - Higher Grip Tires - High Quality Suspension for smoother ride - High Grade Starting Components - Chromoly steel frame - Safety and Design - CE and EPA approved.

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Last updated
February 25, 2025

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