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Crayola Colored Gel Pens Washable Pens Bullet Journaling 24 Count

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Product Name
Crayola Colored Gel Pens Washable Pens Bullet Journaling 24 Count
Product Description

Note taking instantly becomes a fun and creative experience when you add a bit of color! This 24 count of washable gel pens features a wide variety of colors to choose from whenever you re bullet journaling studying or simply doodling The day away. If you happen to mark up your skin or clothing rest easy because these gel pens are washable. However for those projects that require a permanent solution The bonus Crayola permanent marker included in this set will write on most surfaces such as coated paper photos fabric canvas metal plastic and wood. Start off your next notebook with the best gel pens for the job and make life a little more colorful!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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