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OEM USB Cable Rapid Charger Sync Power Wire Data Cord for T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3

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OEM USB Cable Rapid Charger Sync Power Wire Data Cord for T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Product Description

OEM USB Cable Rapid Charger Sync Power Wire Data Cord for T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note 3 - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3 8G495B-AW USB Data Cable for cell phones equipped with a micro USB port when used with appropriate software lets you manage the file contents of your cell phone. You can backup your phonebook and contacts transfer pictures and music games and applications between your computer and cell phone. Depending on your phone service provider and software USB Data Cable can facilitate internet access for your computer synchronize with Microsoft Outlook or other sync-able applications. Also provides charging capabilities from a computer USB port. The Samsung Micro USB to USB Charging Data Cable gives the ability to connect your phone to your computer and use it as an external modem (you should consult your mobile carrier for data service availability). Use your phone to access your email etc. A unique feature of the micro-USB charging data cable is the ability to transfer data and charge your phone with the same cable.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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