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The Forgotten Soldier (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Forgotten Soldier (Hardcover)
Product Description

Forgotten Soldier recounts the horror of World War II on the eastern front as seen through the eyes of a teenaged German soldier. At first an exciting adventure young Guy Sajer s war becomes as the German invasion falters in the icy vastness of the Ukraine a simple desperate struggle for survival against cold hunger and above all the terrifying Soviet artillery. As a member of the elite Gross Deutschland Division he fought in all the great battles from Kursk to Kharkov. Sajer s German footsoldier s perspective makes The Forgotten Soldier a unique war memoir the book that the Christian Science Monitor said may well be the book about World War II which has been so long awaited. Now it has been handsomely republished containing fifty rare German combat photos of life and death at the eastern front. The photos of troops battling through snow mud burned villages and rubble-strewn cities depict the hardships and destructiveness of war. Many are originally from the private collections of German soldiers and have never been published before. This volume is a deluxe edition of a true classic.

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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