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Indoor Environmental Quality (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Indoor Environmental Quality (Hardcover)
Product Description

When we think of indoor pollution we usually think of conditions originating from faulty ventilation systems second hand smoke and other air borne pollutants. Taking an in-depth hard science look at the problems of indoor environmental pollution Indoor Environmental Quality covers all the major indoor contaminants - inorganic organic and biological. Renowned author Thad Godish expands the scope of indoor air quality issues to include the entire indoor environment both in the workplace and the home. He covers: hand-to-mouth transfer of lead pesticides and asbestos dermal exposures from pesticide-contaminated dust contact with office materials such as carbon paper and other printed papers Naturally occurring and man-made contaminants such as radon and asbestos Godish discusses specific techniques including ventilation and air cleaning that can aid you in the clean-up of indoor air problems. He presents the major issues and concepts and provides supporting facts in a highly readable style. An excellent comprehensive clear introduction to the issues associated with the quality of the indoor environment Indoor Environmental Quality gives you the how-tos for controlling contaminants at the source. Its readability makes it ideal for anyone who needs information about specific indoor air problems and how to diagnose and mitigate them.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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