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Bulk Solids Handling: Equipment Selection and Operation (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Bulk Solids Handling: Equipment Selection and Operation (Hardcover)
Product Description

Handling of powders and bulk solids is a critical industrial technology across a broad spectrum of industries from minerals processing to bulk and fine chemicals and the food and pharmaceutical industries. Bulk Solids Handling: Equipment Selection and Operation provides an overview of the major technologies involved in the storage and handling of particulate materials from large grains to fine cohesive materials. Topics covered include characterisation of individual particles and bulk particulate materials silo design for strength and flow pneumatic conveying systems mechanical conveying and small scale operations. Guidance is given on appropriate equipment choices depending on the type of material to be handled and applications and limitations of current bulk solids handling equipment are discussed. The reader will then be in a better position to diagnose solids handling and processing problems in industry and to deal with experts and equipment suppliers from an informed standpoint. With contributions from leading academic and industry experts the book is essential for anyone who has responsibility for handling storage processing or production involving particulate materials. It is designed to be equally applicable to engineers scientists and technologists working in for example agriculture construction food bulk and fine chemicals industries minerals and metals pharmaceuticals power generation and waste handling.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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