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The Way I See It (Paperback)

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The Way I See It (Paperback)
Product Description

When it comes to life journeys we re all on one but some of us have more interesting and intriguing ones than others.Meet Jessica Jasperson a legally blind woman who was born to a single mother who was only nineteen years old and who had mental issues of her own. Although Jessica started out as a shy child with very low self esteem and was often hindered by her visual impairment she found a way to overcome the many obstacles that stood in the way of her becoming the confident self-assured writer she is today.The Way I See It is Jessica s story of triumph over tragedy and overcoming obstacles that seemed almost impossible. From being the oldest of seven children in a very poor family to being terribly bullied in elementary and middle school to an abusive marriage in her early adulthood to having to leave her young daughters in another country in order to get out of that marriage and overcoming an alcohol addiction Jessica found a way to fight through everything life threw at her and come out a winner in the end... and she did it while only having limited vision in one eye!If you re ready for an inspiring story that will teach you about personal growth through overcoming life s obstacles click Add to Cart today.

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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