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Learning in Doing: Social Cognitive and Assessment Equity and Opportunity to Learn (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Learning in Doing: Social Cognitive and Assessment Equity and Opportunity to Learn (Hardcover)
Product Description

Providing all students with a fair opportunity to learn (OTL) is perhaps the most pressing issue facing U.S. education. Moving beyond conventional notions of OTL - as access to content often content tested; access to resources; or access to instructional processes - the authors reconceptualize OTL in terms of interaction among learners and elements of their learning environments. Drawing on sociocultural sociological psychometric and legal perspectives this book provides historical critique theory and principles and concrete examples of practice through which learning teaching and assessment can be re-envisioned to support fair OTL for all students. This book offers educators researchers and policy analysts new to sociocultural perspectives a readable and engaging introduction to fresh ideas for conceptualizing enhancing and assessing OTL; encourages those who already draw on sociocultural resources to focus attention on OTL and assessment; and nurtures collaboration among members of discourse communities who have rarely engaged one another s work.

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March 3, 2025

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