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Cutting Edge Internal Auditing (Other)

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Product Name
Cutting Edge Internal Auditing (Other)
Product Description

Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor encouraging each to pioneer new ground in the development of their professional practices in all risk management control and governance processes. Serving as an excellent reference guide that develops a pattern of internal auditing now and for the future this book explores the concept of cutting edge internal auditing as an imaginative adventure: demonstrating how this has influenced and will continue to influence the development of professionalism in internal auditing. Built on the foundations of Jeffrey Ridley s extensive internal auditing experience across the public and private sectors the author uses his articles and research to explore and develop the motivations goals and categories of innovation in internal auditing today. It develops and brings up to date an imaginative internal auditing model created and used by the author in the early 1980s drawing on research and guidance by The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc. its Research Foundation and the Institute of Internal Auditors - UK and Ireland. Each chapter stands alone by focusing on an individual internal auditing theme considered from both the perspective of internal auditing and its customers to suggest an appropriate vision as a goal for every internal audit activity. Each chapter also includes self-assessment questions to challenge the readers understanding of its messages. Companion website contains some of the author s training slides and seventy case studies many written by leading internal audit practitioners this book creates a vision for future cutting edge internal auditing.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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