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Autolite 12 Pack of Genuine OEM Spark Plugs - 3924-12PK

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Product Name
Autolite 12 Pack of Genuine OEM Spark Plugs - 3924-12PK
Product Description

Includes (12) 3924 Spark Plugs. Electrode Tip Material: Resistor Reach: 3/4 in Resistor: Suppressor Seat Type: Gasket. Thread Diameter: 14 mm Tip Configuration: Power Wrench Diameter: 5/8 in. Power tip extends further into the combustion chamber to aid in self-cleaning reducing fouling at low rpms and pre-ignition at high speeds. Traditional nickel electrodes. Copper core improves resistance to fouling. Compatible with the Following: Bosch: 7402 7527 7554 7557 7560 7816 7927 7957 F7DC F8DC F8DC0 F8DC4 F8KTCR F8LDCR FR6DCX FR7DCX FR7LDC FR7LDC4 FR8D+ FR8DC FR8DCX FR8DCX+ FR8DPX FR8DX FR9DC Champion: 353 4071 432 5071 71 71G 89 911 946 982 C11YCC OE013 OE088 OE121 OE137 QC12YC RC10YC RC12LYC5 RC12YC RC12YC5 RC12YCC RC12YCE RC14YC RC89TMC RC9YC4 XC12YC NGK: 1145 2087 2355 2382 2391 2460 2526 3686 3964 3967 4783 5643 6130 6953 6962 7252 7373 7390 7496 7938 7956 BCP5ES BCPR5E BCPR5E-11 BCPR5EP-11 BCPR5ES BCPR5ES-11 BCPR5EY BCPR5EY-11 BCPR5EY-N-11 BCPR6EP-11 BCPR6ES BCPR6ES-11 BKR5E BKR5E-11 BKR5E-N-11 BKR5EK BKR5EKB-11 BKR5EKU BKR5EN-11 BKR5ES BKR5ES-11 BKR5ESA-11 BKR5EVX BKR5EY BKR5EY-11 BKR5EY-A-11 BKR5EYA BKR5EYA-11 BKR6E BKR6E-11 BKR6ES BKR6ES-11 BKR6EY FR45 FR5

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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