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Collaborating for Project-Based Learning in Grades 9-12 (Paperback)

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Collaborating for Project-Based Learning in Grades 9-12 (Paperback)
Product Description

This is the book that high school media specialists have been asking for! Finally a project-based approach to student learning in high school featuring the school library media specialist in a starring leadership role in the school improvement process! This is the book that high school media specialists have been asking for! Finally a project-based approach to student learning in high school featuring the school library media specialist in a starring leadership role in the school improvement process! - Includes how-to directions for project-based learning for high school students - Find scientifically-based research incorporated into actual practice - See both theory and practice in active collaboration to bring authentic examples of the school media specialist s leadership role in school improvement - Use the best rubrics and plans you can ever imagine today with your students and teachers Experienced and award-winning librarians collaborate to bring you the book you need to employ best practices with high school students. It is all here in this book--the why the what and the how. Allow these wise authors to affirm what the school librarian knows: that collaborating with teachers to guide high school students in inquiry-based learning is an effective practice. Watch learning soar as students are deeply engaged in their meaningful school work.

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March 11, 2025

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