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The Divorce Prevention Handbook (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Divorce Prevention Handbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Marital conflict is rarely about differences in the marriage; it is more often a matter of how couples choose to resolve these differences. When couples have difficulty discussing day-to-day issues disagreements transform into arguments that lead couples to develop patterns of interrupting blaming and criticizing. Though couples may not even be aware they re doing it this negativity and hostility can turn into hopelessness and despair. Emotional intimacy can rarely grow in a relationship stymied by conflict. Author Richard Rein Ph.D. has developed an effective approach that moves couples on the brink of divorce toward fulfilling relationships. Dr. Rein has translated more than twenty years of theory and practice in psychology and couples work into a practical relationship guide that provides crucial advice for at-risk couples. Through careful attention to the details of interactions Dr. Rein explores a new way for couples to regain a close relationship by showing them how to talk about anything without falling into old patterns of criticism and blame. He demonstrates how couples can tackle challenging topics such as money chores intimacy and parenting. Concise and easy to read The Divorce Prevention Handbook provides a clear blueprint for achieving a stronger healthier marriage.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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