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Basic AC Circuits (Paperback)

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Product Name
Basic AC Circuits (Paperback)
Product Description

Basic AC Circuits Second Edition is a step-by-step approach to AC circuit technology for the beginning student hobbyist technician or engineer. The book is built into a series of self-paced individualized learning goals covering electronics concepts terms and the mathematics required to fully understand AC circuit problems--simple or complex. Each chapter includes learning objectives fully-illustrated examples practice problems and quizzes providing teachers trainers and students a complete AC technology resource. Basic AC Circuits has been a staple of the electronics educational market since 1981 but in the new edition the author has updated the book to reflect changes in technology especially the test equipment available today.Basic AC Circuits has been a keystone for curriculum plans around the country for nearly two decades. This book was originally part of the Texas Instruments series published by Sams Publishing.

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March 3, 2025

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