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Culinary Art and Anthropology (Paperback)

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Product Name
Culinary Art and Anthropology (Paperback)
Product Description

Culinary Art and Anthropology is an anthropological study of food. It focuses on taste and flavour using an original interpretation of Alfred Gell s theory of the art nexus . Grounded in ethnography it explores the notion of cooking as an embodied skill and artistic practice. The integral role and concept of flavour in everyday life is examined among cottage industry barbacoa makers in Milpa Alta an outer district of Mexico City. Women s work and local festive occasions are examined against a background of material on professional chefs who reproduce traditional Mexican cooking in restaurant settings. Including recipes to allow readers to practise the art of Mexican cooking Culinary Art and Anthropology offers a sensual theoretically sophisticated model for understanding food anthropologically. It will appeal to social scientists food lovers and those interested in the growing fields of food studies and the anthropology of the senses.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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