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Wondfo - 25 Count Early Result Pregnancy Test Strips - Extra Sensitive 10 mIU/mL HCG Early Predictor Kits, Detect 6 Days Sooner Than Your Missed Period -[25 Count]

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Product Name
Wondfo - 25 Count Early Result Pregnancy Test Strips - Extra Sensitive 10 mIU/mL HCG Early Predictor Kits, Detect 6 Days Sooner Than Your Missed Period -[25 Count]
Product Description

Wondfo offers a pack of 25 early result pregnancy test strips that are designed to detect pregnancy with high sensitivity. These strips can identify levels of hCG as low as 10 mIU/mL, allowing for testing up to six days sooner than your missed period. With over 99% accuracy, results can be seen within just three to five minutes after testing. Each test strip is individually sealed for privacy and convenience, making it easy to carry and use anywhere. Simply dip the strip in urine for five to ten seconds, wait for the result, and interpret the outcome: two lines indicate pregnancy, while one line shows not pregnant.

For best results, Wondfo recommends testing 10 to 14 days after ovulation or conception. It is advisable to repeat the test using first-morning urine in the following days for more reliable results. Additionally, the ideal time to test for LH (luteinizing hormone) is during the day, specifically between 11:00 am and 10:00 pm, as this hormone does not show in first-morning urine. However, for the hCG pregnancy test, using first-morning urine is key, given that hCG concentration is at its peak right after waking up.

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Last updated
February 28, 2025

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