Product info
Gilmore Girls: The Series is a beloved comedy and drama that first aired on the WB network in 2000. This engaging show follows Lorelai Gilmore, a thirtysomething single mother, and her teenage daughter, Rory, as they navigate life in the charming, quirky town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Lorelai, played by Lauren Graham, and Rory, portrayed by Alexis Bledel, share a special bond that often feels more like a sisterly friendship rather than a typical parent-child relationship. Throughout the series, they tackle various challenges, enjoy their close-knit community, and explore their dreams and ambitions together.
The series includes a total of 153 episodes spread across 44 discs, providing over 110 hours of entertainment. Viewers will enjoy the show's witty dialogue, memorable characters, and heartfelt moments, all set against the backdrop of Stars Hollow's unique charm. With a talented supporting cast that includes Keiko Agena, Kelly Bishop, and Edward Herrmann, Gilmore Girls captures the essence of family, friendship, and the ups and downs of life. This DVD collection presents the show in widescreen format, with an English soundtrack, allowing fans to relive the series' magic or discover it for the first time.
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