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You Can Teach Yourself You Can Teach Yourself Hammered Dulcimer (Paperback)

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You Can Teach Yourself You Can Teach Yourself Hammered Dulcimer (Paperback)
Product Description

Every aspect of the hammered dulcimer and its playing techniques is covered in this comprehensive yet easy-to-understand text. A masterful teacher Madeline MacNeil exceeds the expectations of a beginner s book providing a firm foundation for the development of a total musician while maintaining an engaging informal tone throughout. With detailed discussions on dulcimer layout hammers tuning and stands plus extensive performance notes on every tune this book is a valuable asset to the beginning through intermediate player. From Oh Suzanna to Jesu Joy of Man s Desiring Madeline shows the novice dulcimer player how to \ map your way through\ a new piece of music findingclear musical directions through what at first must seem like a maze of strings. Alltunes are in standard notation. The book is illustrated with photos as well as quaint woodcuts engravings and pen and ink drawings. The companion 85- minute video and audio contains essential basic information on playing the hammered dulcimer--such as tuning major and minor keys duplicated notes repeated notes modulations walking bass lines chromatic notes drone harmony back-up chords interval harmony and more! Also contains Madeline MacNeil s hammered dulcimer solos on 25 tunes. Includes access to online audio and video.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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