Product info
The Ozark Trail Medium-Duty Tarp measures 6 x 8 feet and offers reliable protection for your outdoor gear. Made from durable PE material, this tarp is weather-resistant, making it perfect for camping, hunting, fishing, and outdoor events. Its medium-duty construction features a thickness of 5.1 millimeters and reinforced hems that can withstand the elements. With grommets placed every 38 inches, securing the tarp is simple and quick, allowing you to set it up in various locations with ease.
Whether you face rain or shine, this versatile tarp is essential for protecting your equipment and supplies. It prepares you for adventures, whether camping in your backyard, spending a day at the river with friends, or enjoying a week alone in the wilderness. Ozark Trail aims to help families create memories through everyday adventures, offering gear designed to be rugged, dependable, and budget-friendly. This tarp embodies the spirit of adventure, which is not just a destination but a way of life.
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