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Dragon Tales - Dragon Seek

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Product Name
Dragon Tales - Dragon Seek
Product Description

Product description Hide and seek is even more fun when played in Dragon Land. Help Max and Emmy search for Cassie, Ord, Zak and Wheezie... all over Dragon Land... be sure to search trees, caves, knucker holes and other secret places. You can also search for dragonberries and join a sing-along with your favourite friends from the TV Show. As you play, save your adventures on your memory card and share your very own storybook with friends. .com Dragon Tales: Dragonseek is a hide-and-seek game that's set in Dragon Land. Play as Emmy or her brother Max, and seek out Cassie, Ord, Zak, Wheezie, and other friendly dragons. Quetzal is always available to help players along the way. Collect Dragon Berries to join a sing-along. A storybook feature allows players to view highlights from their adventure.

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Last updated
September 4, 2024

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