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Customs Traditions and Landmarks: 春節: Chinese New Year (Paperback)

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Customs Traditions and Landmarks: 春節: Chinese New Year (Paperback)
Product Description

A short story about Chinese New Year written in Traditional Chinese targeted at second language learners. Reach Connect Grow provides leveled books that are accessible and relevant to American audience learning Chinese as a second language. These books are part of Level Chinese reading curriculum for both literature and informational text with emphasis on grammar and comprehension skills. Teachers can use these books to differentiate the skill levels of each student and help them improve their reading proficiency. Text complexity is based on leveling standards set by Level Chinese. This is a level G book. The non-fiction series of Reach Connect Grow books are written such that second language learners can master each level by reading about topics that are relevant and interesting to their life. These text courses support multiple national standards including Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Standards and National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. To learn more about entire offerings from Level Chinese visit

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March 4, 2025

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