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Matlock: The First Season (DVD) Paramount Drama

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Product Name
Matlock: The First Season (DVD) Paramount Drama
Product Description

There are TV lawyers and then there s Matlock. Folksy yet aggressive Harvard educated but still down to earth-Andy Griffith s portrayal of the clever Southern attorney is one of the all-time classic icons of television legal dramas. Fans who have followed the show for all of it s nine seasons will be thrilled to revisit how the program began. They ll also be surprised at how much the show changed over the years while some things remained the same throughout it s storied run. From his simple gray Ford to his predilection for hot dogs Matlock came across as both a personable and humorous character whose $100 000 fee was always worth the dough. Along with Tyler Hudson (Kene Holliday) and Matlock s daughter Charlene (Lori Lethan) the first season established the format that the show would follow throughout it s time on the air. The cases no one could solve the clients no one could help and the scandals no one could uncover are all deftly handled by Matlock and his team. For those who have never seen the show this collection will clarify the program s immense popularity while longtime fans will get to take a trip back in time and be reminded of why the fell in love in the first place. Includes 24 episodes plus the original pilot. Star Andy Griffith Michael Durrell Kene Holliday Linda Purl Lori Lethan Special Features: Region 1 7-Disc Set Full Frame - 1.33 Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround English Runtime: 1140 minutes.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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