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The Tattooed Heart (CD) by Aaron Neville

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Product Name
The Tattooed Heart (CD) by Aaron Neville
Product Description

CD. Aaron Neville is an unlikely example of a 60s soul hero who managed to reinvent himself as a 90s pop star without compromising his integrity. Drawing on pop as well as the type of New Orleans soul that put him on the map Neville proved that he could once again be quite marketable. Like Warm Your Heart The Tattooed Heart isn t on a par with Neville s early efforts but nonetheless has a lot going for it. Though not breathtaking material ranging from the soul ballad Show Some Emotion to the earthy rock number Down Into Muddy Water and the reggae-influenced hit Can t Stop My Heart from Loving You (The Rain Song) is honest and enjoyable. Another high point of this CD is an inspired remake of Bill Withers Use Me. Because an urban contemporary approach didn t interest him the new Neville received little support from Black radio -- but on pop stations he d become a high priority. ~ Alex Henderson Rovi

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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