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Deux Voyages (CD) by Balfa Toujours

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Product Name
Deux Voyages (CD) by Balfa Toujours
Product Description

CD. For the non French speaker Balfa Toujours means Balfa forever; a reference to Christine Balfa s father Dewy Balfa and her uncles Rodney Will and Burke. All were purveyors of traditional Cajun music and the tradition that went along with it. Cajun music is music of the heart and the passions that go with affairs of the heart and this fire is so integral to the music. When it is here on this disc it flares and you can t sit still but sadly it is sometimes lacking. Please do not get me wrong it is here just not in the doses or with the consistency of some other fine performers of this tradition such as Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys (also available on Rounder). Give a listen to Chicot Two Step and also Le Falcon Gris both good example of the hard driving passion that should be there all the way through the disc but lamentably appears in flashes. I think there is a tremendous promise in this group the playing is always tight and the songs they wrote are good examples of traditional music taken into present time. It may just be time and some more road miles will make this a group that can hold the fire the length of the disc. I would love to see this group as I have a sneaking suspicion that they truly show their fire in a live performance. I look forward to the next one. ~ Bob Gottlieb Rovi

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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