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Ovulation Test Strips, 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit with Free 50 Collection Cups,25mIU

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Product Name
Ovulation Test Strips, 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit with Free 50 Collection Cups,25mIU
Product Description

Why is this product for you? Our premium ovulation predictor kit are an affordable and effortless solution to find out exactly if you are ovulating . The set comes with 50 urine cups that make everything easier and mess-free. Each strip ovulation predictor kit tests is individually packed and sealed, checking all the safety and hygiene requirements. The test strips have a 99% accuracy when used properly so you can always rely on them.We work relentlessly to develop top-quality products that allow everyone to start a family. Our ovulation test kit is a simple and virtually effortless solution to know exactly when is the best time to conceive. Some of the amazing features of this product: ● New LH50 ovulation test; ● More than 99% accuracy; ● Individually wrapped; ● Rapid results; ● Comfortable and easy to use; ● Portable and subtle design; ● 5-minute action time; ● 25 mIU/ml standard sensitivity.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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