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BodyPure Detox Pads - 10 Pack

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Product Name
BodyPure Detox Pads - 10 Pack
Product Description

BodyPure Detox Pads - 10 Pack Helps detoxify Releases no active ingredients into your body Improves circulation Combats fatigue 100% natural ingredients Works while you sleep BodyPure + detox pads are a potent foot patch designed to absorb toxins from your body. Developed from years of medical research in Japan this natural health care product is effective in cleansing from the inside out. Body Pure does not release any active ingredients into the body. It simply stimulates your system to detoxify and cleanse naturally. We can be exposed contaminating factors on a daily basis. Even if we eat organic foods drink bottled water and avoid smog filled cities there are still unavoidable pollutants in our air and water. Detoxification can enhance our body s restorative powers improving blood circulation repairing a compromised immune system and preventing premature aging. BodyPure was the number one selling product in Japan in its class 12 times in a row. The Japanese have been using this product to combat fatigue improve circulation increase metabolism enhance quality of sleep help release toxins and as a general practice to stay healthy and clean. Body Pure detox foot pads are effective made of 100% natural ingredients and easy to apply. Suggested use: Use one BodyPure + detox pad on the bottom of your foot for 8-10 hours (usually overnight). The Body Pure footpads are placed on the arch of the foot to maximize the detoxification since that particular area of the body hosts reflexology points to most of the major organs of the body. For best results alternate between left and right foot and use for at least 10 days. Initially BodyPure should be used nightly (on one foot) for a recommended period of thirty days. Individuals who feel that they have been exposed more extensively to toxins may choose to prolong the 30 day period or use patches on both feet. After the initial cleansing period some people find it helpful to repeat the 30 day detox procedure 2-3 times a year. Others do a simple maintenance program of one patch every two to three weeks. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Always see your licensed health care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Last updated
February 25, 2025

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