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Monster of Fifty-Nine Moons (Paperback)

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Product Name
Monster of Fifty-Nine Moons (Paperback)
Product Description

Monster of Fifty-Nine Moons is a delightfully blunt journey through the mind of a man who thinks nothing of laughing in the face of bigotry vividly describing a five-year-old child s first day of school (and the rather unexpected horrors that come with it) or answering that ages-old question every gay man hears: Who s the woman? Rosen writes of love loss wrath the people you love to hate and of course shiny objects with a candor and brevity that all too often gets trained out of people. This book disregards niceties such as decorum and what would the neighbors think?! to deliver an experience readers can t find anywhere else. Published by Local Gems Press

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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