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Browning Defender 4G LTE Cellular Camera with Batteries SD Card and Spudz Microfiber Cloth Screen Cleaner AT&T

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Product Name
Browning Defender 4G LTE Cellular Camera with Batteries SD Card and Spudz Microfiber Cloth Screen Cleaner AT&T
Product Description

The Defender Wireless Cellular Trail Camera has been designed to be the ultimate remote game scouting tool. It is the perfect camera to operate on remote hunting properties with limited access as well as sensitive areas where game do not need to be disturbed such as rublines scrapes and other key hunting areas. It operates in either a long range low glow Infrared flash mode or can go undetectable using the Invisible IR mode which is great for game that is easily spooked or for security Transmit HD images and Video clips over a 4G LTE network from your favorite hunting spot right to your laptop or mobile device using the Strike Force Wireless management system. 20 MP 2 Color Screen 120 ft. Infrared 80 Ft. Invisible Infrared Illumination at Night Adjustable IR Flash Power Save Long Range Fast Motion 0.3s Trigger Speed 1920 x 1080 FHD Videos with Sound 5s - 2 min. length 80 ft. Detection 0.6 Second Recovery Time Illuma-Smart Technology Automatically adjusts IR Flash for Perfect Night Photos Smart IR Video Up to 8 Multi Shot rapid fire Images Programmable Picture Delay 12v Power Jack Up to 512GB Card Operates on 4G LTE Network Uploads standard images Uploads HD images or Video clips Email/Text images video clips Scheduled or immediate image upload CELLULAR PLAN PRICING: NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS. THE PLANS BELOW ARE MONTH-TO-MONTH. NO ACTIVATION CHARGES SCOUT- $9.99 1200 Standard Image uploads. First month is free for the Scout Plan with new account activation. SCOUT PLUS- $12.99 - 2400 Standard 10 HD image uploads. Share up to 2 cameras on this plan. $5 per additional camera HUNTER- $19.99 - 3000 Standard 50 HD image uploads. Share up to 3 cameras on this plan. $5 per additional camera HUNTER PLUS - $29.99 - 6000 Standard 300 HD Image 100 Video clip uploads. Share up to 4 cameras. $5 per additional camera GUIDE PRO - $49.99 - 12000 Standard 400 HD Image 150 Video clip uploads. Share up to 6 cameras. $5 per additional camera

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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