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Sarah Vaughan - Songs of the Beatles - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Sarah Vaughan - Songs of the Beatles - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

Out of print in the U.S.! Originally released in 1981 Songs of the Beatles finds the esteemed Jazz diva dipping into the Fab Four s back catalog and adding her own unique stamp to these already classic songs. Most Rock artists who have attempted to cover Beatles tunes have failed miserably at capturing the magic of the originals yet there are some Jazz artists like Vaughan are able to practically reinvent the song and add a new musical spin to the proceedings. Of the 13 tracks Sarah reinterprets 12 Lennon & McCartney-penned gems plus her amazing version of George Harrison s Something . Other tracks include Eleanor Rigby Blackbird You Never Give Me Your Money Get Back and Fool on the Hill .

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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