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Celtic Melodies for Fingerpicking Guitar (Paperback) by Duck Baker Stefan Grossman John Renbourn

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Celtic Melodies for Fingerpicking Guitar (Paperback) by Duck Baker Stefan Grossman John Renbourn
Product Description

9780786662555. New condition. Other. Language: English. Pages: 24. Stefan Grossman s Guitar Workshop Audio. In these three audio lessons Duck Baker Stefan Grossman and John Renbourn teach six Celtic fingerstyle guitar solos. The three compact discs offer three full hours of note-by-note phrase-by-phrase instruction and all of the arrangements appear in the book in notation and tablature. Lesson One by Duck Baker teaches Planxty Irwin in Drop D tuning and Hewlett in standard tuning. Lesson Two by Stefan Grossman introduces Open G minor tuning for Logan Water and Captain Magan. Lesson Three by John Renbourn continues G minor tuning with arrangements of Mist Covered Mountains and The Orphan. This lesson concludes with five bonus tracks featuring performances by Davey Graham and Dave Evans.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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