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Pre-Owned Storm Rider (Paperback) 0755349954 9780755349951

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Pre-Owned Storm Rider (Paperback) 0755349954 9780755349951
Product Description

A gripping new racing thriller from bestselling author John Francome In life horse-fancier and antiques dealer Glyn Cole caused a heap of trouble - for his girlfriends their jealous partners and his creditors. His two-year absence from the close-knit Berkshire horse community has been something of a relief. Broken bridges have been mended; lives have been rebuilt. And his disappearance has been a miracle for one individual in particular: the person who killed him. But now Glyn is back - in bizarre circumstances. A record-breaking storm has ripped his corpse from its ingenious hiding place. How did he get there and how did he die? Many have benefited from his absence - but who is no longer sleeping so soundly at night? It seems that even in death bad boy Glyn is as much trouble as he ever was...

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Last updated
January 30, 2025

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