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Hazel Dickens - Pioneering Women of Bluegrass - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Hazel Dickens - Pioneering Women of Bluegrass - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

When Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard recorded these songs in the mid-1960s bluegrass music was dominated by male performers. They selected their favorite songs and arranged them for a stellar group of sidemen-bluegrass legends Lamar Grier Chubby Wise David Grisman and Billy Baker. Their widely admired performances made them role models for future generations of women in bluegrass. The 26 tracks have been remastered resequenced and newly annotated by the performers themselves. Includes Long Black Veil the One I Love Is Gone and I Hear a Sweet Voice Calling. Hazel and Alice blast out vintage bluegrass-country soundsongs with fierce raucous energy. -Time Magazine.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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