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Healing the Skin: Holistic Approaches to Treating Skin Conditions (Paperback)

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Product Name
Healing the Skin: Holistic Approaches to Treating Skin Conditions (Paperback)
Product Description

Our skin is the visible barrier between what is inside and what is outside our bodies. It can respond with sensitivity to tender contact allowing us to experience pleasure or when harmful influences arise it can contract or erupt and lead to pain. The increasing prevalence in recent years of various types of skin conditions is an indication that toxic influences are on the increase. A dermatologist allergist and physician Lueder Jachens offers wise advice in Healing the Skin an expertly written and helpful owner s handbook. His concern is not only to offer his insights into the individual conditions their causes and how best to treat them but also to present a holistic understanding of the skin itself--the largest human organ--to help us develop better health and harmony in the longer term. Dr. Jachens authoritative guide begins with an anatomy of the skin and its relationship to the physical and spiritual levels of existence. He then goes on to study various specific conditions and their treatment including psoriasis dermatitis acne boils hayfever alopecia (hair loss) melanoma abscesses impetigo fungal infections herpes scabies head lice sunburn and much more.

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March 4, 2025

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