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Midland AVPH3 Surveillance Headsets for Walkie Talkies

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Product Name
Midland AVPH3 Surveillance Headsets for Walkie Talkies
Product Description

Midland AVP-H3 Surveillance Headsets for GMRS/FRS Radios can be used in a number of different ways. Whether you are on a security assignment hunting in the woods or just need to stay in contact with a colleague during an event the Midland headset can be a real asset. The easy-to-use features like push-to-talk button and VOX options make setup simple and easy to understand. The pair of headsets fit directly in the ear and has a transparent behind-the-ear microphone. Midland AVP-H3 Surveillance Headsets works with all Midland GMRS/FRS radios.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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