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Arctic King 3.5 Cu.ft Chest Freezer White

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Product Name
Arctic King 3.5 Cu.ft Chest Freezer White
Product Description

The Arctic King 3.5 cu ft Chest Freezer White has the ideal amount of space for stocking up on your favorite frozen foods whether you re having a big family gathering or simply want to store for the future. The convenient size and recessed handle of the Arctic King 3.5 cu ft Chest Freezer White makes it an excellent fit for your garage shop or basement. You can also place the Arctic King chest freezer in another storage space in your house for easy access. The Arctic King 3.5 cu ft Chest Freezer White has a mechanical temperature control so you can change it higher or lower with an adjustable thermostat. The Arctic King 3.5 cu ft Chest Freezer White has an easy-to-clean interior and removable storage basket for added convenience. The Arctic King chest freezer features a balanced hinge design so you can ensure that you can get in and out of it with ease. You will have top quality construction and proper storage with the Arctic King 3.5 cu ft Chest Freezer White.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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