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Perfect Selling: Open the Door. Close the Deal. (Paperback)

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Perfect Selling: Open the Door. Close the Deal. (Paperback)
Product Description

The USA Today and New York Times Bestseller! Meet your sales objective and close more business in 20 minutes a day CONNECT with your customer immediately EXPLORE customer needs thoroughly and quickly LEVERAGE your solutions persuasively RESOLVE your customer s questions and objections confidently ACT when the time is right Your thinking What? Another book about selling? Wrong! This book is about winning! These days when those of us who sell need every molecule of competitive edge we can muster Linda cleverly pulls it together for us. And she does it with a voice radiating experience knowledge and sincere empathy for the challenging job we all have. --Dave Stein CEO & Founder ES Research Group Inc. and author of How Winners Sell In five steps Linda helps you master the process of the sales call to a tee freeing your creativity to focus on your customer and deal with the unexpected that will always occur. --Larry Wilson sales leadership guru and bestselling author For years Linda Richardson has been one of the top two or three sales training consultants in the world. This is invaluable material and a must-read for anybody who cares about success in selling. --Geoffrey James journalist and author of the popular blog Sales Machine

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March 4, 2025

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