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Back to the Basics of Teaching and Learning: Thinking the World Together (Paperback)

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Back to the Basics of Teaching and Learning: Thinking the World Together (Paperback)
Product Description

This book is about an ecological-interpretive image of the basics. Essays detailing everyday lived events in classroom life are presented to help readers see beneath the surface ordinariness of these events to uncover and examine the underlying complex and contested meanings they contain. Readers are invited to imagine what would happen to our understanding of teaching and learning if we stepped away from the image of basics-as-breakdown under which education labors today - an image of fragmentation isolation and the consequent dispensing manipulation and control of the smallest simplest most meaningless bits and pieces of the living inheritances that are entrusted to teachers and learners in schools. By involving readers in re-thinking the idea of the basics in educational theory and practice this book offers a more generous rigorous difficult and pleasurable image of what this term might mean in the living work of teachers and learners. This is a valuable text for practicing teachers and student-teachers interested in re-imagining what is basic to their work and the work of their students. It also provides examples of interpretive inquiry that will be helpful for graduate students and scholars in the areas of curriculum teaching and learning who are interested in pursuing this form of research and writing. The Second Edition: is guided by the view that thinking the world together is a form of ecological thinking adds chapters that take up the ecological aspects of this vision the hermeneutic aspects and curricular aspects in the areas of mathematics reading and writing and social studies; included also are chapters on child development information and communications technologies and more proposes a version of the basics that asks teachers to be public intellectuals who think about the world who think about the knowledge we have inherited and to which we are offering our students living breathing access

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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